Tage Alter Musik – Almanach 2023

Tage Alter Musik Regensburg 2023 67 STIMMEN ZUM FESTIVAL TAGE ALTER MUSIK 2023 We would like to thank you sincerely for inviting us to Regensburg. We were extremely pleased to perform at your wonderful festival! Regensburg delighted us in absolutely every aspect. We will long remember the kind reception and the long ovation with which we were received by the large festival audience. It is wonderful that places like your festival with such a soul continue to provide people with the beauty and timelessness of music. We wish you all the best, extend our warmest greetings and hope to see you again! We will be very pleased to be able to work together again. All the best. Zygmunt Magiera {oh!} Orkiestra Holland Baroque, Leitung: Judith & Tineke Steenbrink, in der Schottenkirche Mitwirkende des L.E.D-Konzertprojekts in der Dreieinigkeitskirche, v.l.n.r.: Nicholas Milne, Irene Klein und Hannah Morrison