Tage Alter Musik – Almanach 2011

Deutsche Welle DW Festival Concerts EARLY MUSIC DAYS IN REGENSBURG Autor: Rick Fulker Erster Teil: All that in this Deutsche Welle Festival Concert coming to you from the Early Music Days in Regensburg. I'm Rick Fulker, and whether you're an early music freak or not, these sounds are certain to surprise and delight… We begin with an ensemble dedicated to an instrument that had its golden era in the 18 th century, the mandolin. Based in Luxembourg, Artemandoline is a pioneer of the mandolin in modern concert life, as proven in many performances in Europe and Japan and on two CD's. We'll hear them recorded live in the Imperial Hall in Regensburg, first with a composition by Carlo Arrigoni, who lived from 1697 to 1744. In four movements, it's called simply Sonata for Mandolin and continuo. Musik (Artemandoline) A fascinating sound, the treble of the mandolins balanced by the richness of the positiv organ, by Carlo Arrigoni, Sonata for Mandolin and continuo. The ensemble Artemandoline performs in concert at the Early Music Days in Regensburg. The mandolin can be traced back to 1589 in Florence, Italy, first as a small lute in the soprano range. The main difference to the rest of the lute family being that lutes are plucked with fingers but the baroque mandolin with a quill. Ensemble member Juan Carlos Munoz has more: O-Ton Juan Carlos Munoz: Früher war die Mandoline ein Modeinstrument in Paris. Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts reisten auch viele Mandolinisten nach Frankreich und spielten in den Salons dort. Die Mandoline wurde meistens vom Adel gespielt. Jeder Adel hatte seinen Mandolinemeister. And as Munoz says, the next piece is an example of the style of mandolin playing that flourished in those days: O-Ton Juan Carlos Munoz: In Castellos Zeit, war es ein Trend, fantasievoll zu spielen. Komponisten haben sehr viel improvisiert. In dem Stück von Castello gibt es keine genaue Tonart. Das Spektrum reicht von sehr traurig bis hin zur sehr lebhaft. Man beschrieb das als stilo fantastico. Ein bisschen Freestyle auf Englisch. By 17th century composer Dario Castello, here's the Sonata Prima for soprano solo, played on the mandolin. Musik (Artemandoline) Searching, improvisational, ending abruptly, that sonata prima by Dario Castello a fine example of the style of mandolin playing in the 17 th century. The earliest mandolins date from the 1580's, but the real heyday for the instrument came around 1730 in Naples. Composers like Alessandro and Domenico Scarlatti, Johann Adolf Hasse and many more wrote music for it, sometimes in a solo function, sometimes as a member of a chamber music ensemble, sometimes in works for the stage or the church. We're hearing a baroque ensemble dedicated to the mandolin, Artemandoline, in this Deutsche Welle Festival Concert. A revelation, the sound of several mandolins, three of them in this ensemble, joined by baroque guitar, lute, violone, viola da gamba and some- times harpsichord or organ. The home of the mandolin, as it were, was Naples, and by most accounts, even today, the instruments made there are the best ones. The mandolin eventually spread to all of Italy and on to Paris, where mandolin players were often heard in the salons fre- quented by the aristocracy and the prosperous middle-classes. One reason for the mandolin's relative popularity was that it had the same tun- ing and the same tonal range as the violin but was easier to learn how to play. That, however, says Juan Carlos Munoz should not be misun- derstood: O-Ton Juan Carlos Munoz: Jedes Instrument hat seine schwierige und einfache Seite. Man kann auf der Mandoline sehr schnell sein. Die Barockmandoline ist sehr klein, und der Nachteil ist, das Instrument richtig anzufassen. Ist manchmal schwierig, die richtige Position zu finden. Probleme mit der Position. Das Instrument klingt nicht so laut. Man kann schnell spielen, aber die Koordination ist schwierig. Auf der Violine kann man sehr viele Noten mit einem Bogenstrich spielen, auf der Mandoline ist das nicht möglich, auch die Triller zu spielen ist schwierig.