Tage Alter Musik – Almanach 2023

Tage Alter Musik Regensburg 2023 9 STIMMEN ZUM FESTIVAL TAGE ALTER MUSIK 2023 I do not know where to start to thank you enough for this invitation and this experience we had with our performance Hecuba in your festival! It remains a very strong musical, artistic and human experience for all of us. And your impeccable team of collaborators, is a dreamteam to work with. Many sincere thanks from heart and hopefully, until another time! Katarina Livljanic Ensemble Dialogos Die Regensburger Domspatzen & L’arpa festante unter der Leitung von Christian Heiß beim Eröffnungskonzert in der Dreieinigkeitskirche Die Harfenistin Emma Huijsser von Holland Baroque