Tage Alter Musik – Programmheft 2017

57 T age a LTeR M USIK R egenSBURg Juni 2017 G EORG F RIEDRIcH H änDEL (1685-1759) M ESSIAH D UbLIn v ERSIOn 1742 Teil I Sinfonie grave – Allegro moderato accompagnato-Rezitativ: Comfort ye, comfort ye my People arie: Ev’ry Valley shall be exalted Chor: And the Glory of the Lord accompagnato-Rezitativ: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts arie: But who may abide the Day of his coming? Chor: And he shall purify the Sons of Levi Secco-Rezitativ: Behold, a Virgin shall conceive arie und Chor: O thou that tellest good Tidings to Zion accompagnato-Rezitativ: For behold, Darkness shall cover the Earth arie: The People that walked in Darkness Chor: For unto us a Child is born Pifa (Hirtensinfonie) Secco-Rezitativ: There were Shepherds abiding in the Field accompagnato-Rezitativ: And lo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them Secco-Rezitativ: And the Angel said unto them accompagnato-Rezitativ: And suddenly there was with the Angel Chor: Glory to God in the Highest arie: Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Sion Secco-Rezitativ: Then shall the Eyes of the Blind be open’d arie: He shall feed his Flock like a Shepherd Chor: His Yoke is easy PaUSe Teil II Chor: Behold the Lamb of God arie: He was despised and rejected of Men Chor: Surely He hath borne our Griefs Chor: And with His stripes Chor: All we, like Sheep accompagnato-Rezitativ: All they that see Him Chor: He trusted in God accompagnato-Rezitativ: Thy Rebuke hath broken His Heart arie: Behold and see accompagnato-Rezitativ: He was cut off arie: But Thou didst not leave His soul in Hell Chor: Lift up your Heads Secco-Rezitativ: Unto which of the Angels Chor: Let all the Angels arie: Thou art gone up on High Chor: The Lord gave the Word Duett & Chor: How beautiful are the feet arie: Why do the Nations so furiously rage together Chor: Let us break Secco-Rezitativ: He that dwelleth in Heaven Chor: Hallelujah Teil III arie: I know that my Redeemer liveth Chor: Since by Man came Death accompagnato-Rezitativ: Behold I tell you a Mystery arie: The Trumpet shall sound Secco-Rezitativ: Then shall be brought to pass Duett: O Death, where is thy Sting Chor: But Thanks be to God arie: If God be for us Chor: Worthy is the Lamb Wir danken der Meisterwerkstätte für Orgelbau Markus Harder-Völkmann, 85579 Neubiberg, für die freundliche Bereitstellung des Claviorganums. Konzerteinführung: Dr. Michael Wackerbauer, 18.00 Uhr, Vortragsraum im „Haus der Begegnung“ der Universität Regensburg, Hinter der Grieb 8 – Eintritt frei! P ROGRAMM S OLOMOn ’ S K nOT b AROqUE c OLLEcTIvE Zoë brookshaw, Laura Oldfield Sopran Kate Symonds-Joy, Roderick Morris Alt Thomas Herford, Ruairi bowen Tenor Jonathan Sells, Alex Ashworth Bass James Toll Konzertmeister Guy button, George clifford, beatrice Scaldini Violine Joanne Miller, Jordan bowron Viola Jonathan Rees Violoncello Jan Zahourek Kontrabass Inga Maria Klaucke Fagott Russell Gilmour, William Russell Trompete Rosemary Toll Pauken Pawel Siwczak cembalo Orgel Josep Maria Martí Duran Theorbe Jonathan Sells Leitung A USFüHREnDE