Tage Alter Musik – Programmheft 2022

85 TAGe ALTeR MUSIK ReGenSBURG Konzert 16 GeorG FrIeDrICH HänDeL (1685–1759) ACIS & GALAteA (1718) HWV 49A 1. Sinfonia 2. Chorus Oh the pleasure of the plains! (Shepherds, nymphs) 3. Accompagnato Ye verdant plains and woody mountains (Galatea) 4. Air Hush, ye pretty warbling choir! (Galatea) 5. Air Where shall I seek the charming fair? (Acis) recitative Stay, shepherd, stay! (Damon) 6. Air Shepherd, what art thou pursuing? (Damon) recitative Lo here, my love! (Acis) 7. Air Love in her eyes sits playing (Acis) recitative O didst thou know the pains of absent love (Galatea) 8. Air As when the dove laments her love (Galatea) 9. Duet Happy, happy we! (Acis, Galatea) 9b. Chorus Happy, happy we! (Shepherds, nymphs) PAUSe 10. Chorus Wretched lovers (Shepherds, nymphs) 11. Accompagnato I rage, I melt, I burn! (Polypheme) 12. Air O ruddier than the cherry (Polypheme) recitative Whither, fairest, art thou running (Polypheme, Galatea) 13. Air Cease to beauty to be suing! (Polypheme) 14. Air Would you gain the tender creature (Coridon) recitative His hideous love provokes my rage (Acis) 15. Air Love sounds th’alarm (Acis) 16. Air Consider, fond shepherd (Damon) recitative Cease, oh cease, thou gentle youth (Galatea) 17. trio The flocks shall leave the mountains (Galatea, Acis, Polypheme) 18. Accompagnato Help, Galatea! (Acis) 19. Chorus Mourn, all ye muses (Shepherds, nymphs) 20. Solo and Chorus Must I my Acis still bemoan (Galatea, Shepherds, nymphs) recitative ´Tis done: thus I exert my pow'r divine (Galatea) 21. Air Heart, the seat of soft delight (Galatea) 22. Chorus Galatea, dry thy tears (Shepherds, nymphs) Diese Produktion entstand in Kooperation mit den Händel-Festspielen Halle Wir danken der Meisterwerkstätte für historische Tasteninstrumente, Detmar Hungerberg, 42499 Hückeswagen, für die freundliche Bereitstellung des Cembalos Konzertdauer: ca. 100 Minuten plus Pause ProGrAMM Jana Semerádová, 2005 im Reichsaal Foto: TAM/Hanno Meier CoLLeGIUM MArIAnUM Vokalsolisten: Helena Hozová Sopran (Galatea, eine Nymphe) Vojtěch Semerád Tenor (Acis, ein Schäfer) ondřej Holub Tenor (Damon, ein Schäfer) tomáš Král Bariton (Polyphem, ein Zyklop) tomáš Lajtkep Tenor (Coridon, ein Schäfer) Instrumentalisten: Jana Semerádová Flautino, Blockflöte, musikalische Leitung Lenka torgersen, eleonora Machová Violine Markus Müller Oboe I Petra Ambrosi Oboe II Kim Stockx Fagott, Blockflöte Ján Prievozník Violone Hana Fleková Violoncello Jan Krejča Theorbe Marek Čermák Cembalo MArIonettentHeAter bUCHty A LoUtKy Marek bečka, zuzana bruknerová, radek beran, Vít brukner Marionettenspieler barbora Čechová & Kateřina Housková Ausstattung/ Puppen Lukáš Valiska Licht Vít brukner Inszenierung & künstlerische Leitung Markéta Stormová Kostüme Irena Křížová Make up AUSFüHrenDe